You may think of the San Diego County Fair as the place to get your deep-fried pickles, but for hundreds of kids involved in 4-H and Future Farmers of America, this is show time. Quite literally. You have to tour the big halls filled with cows and pigs, turkeys and rabbits, and, of course, chickens.
4-H Kids at the San Diego County Fair |
Among those who regularly exhibit their animals are the Konyn children--Kylie, Kiara, and Teo. The two sisters and their brother have grown up on the family dairy in North County. Kylie, the eldest, is now a teenager, but she's been raising dairy heifers, horses, and poultry since she was five or six. And she's been winning awards since she first joined 4-H--both at the San Diego County Fair and the Ramona Fair. As she told me a couple of years ago, "It definitely got me hooked."
Kylie at the Ramona Fair |
With the fair over, the animals she and her siblings have raised and exhibited are now being harvested and readied for sale. Kylie, again, received Supreme Champion Exhibitor as well as Supreme Champion Cow and Bull during the breeding show and both girls won Showmanship. Teo won Grand Champion with his meat rabbits.
Award-winner Teo at the San Diego County Fair |
Mom Stacy Konyn let me know they will be harvesting all the meat birds and turkeys they raised this coming Friday (July 7). If you're interested in farm fresh chickens or turkeys, these should be delicious. Stacy says that they sell the meat birds harvested and ready for the oven or freezer for $5 a pound, with the average price of chickens about $30 to $35. Farm-raised, free-range turkeys at weights from 22 to 30 pounds will cost from $125 to $165. Teo has four rabbits available now and will have 15 rabbits for sale at the beginning of August. They'll cost between $25 to $30.
Also available, says Stacy, are three market goats that are being harvested.
Contact Stacy Konyn at if you're interested in making a purchase.
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