
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Got the Blues Because I Got Tagged

There seems to be a blue virus circulating and I have it! Jennifer of Chez LouLou passed it on to me. But, that's okay. It seems utterly benign.

Here's the deal. I must share seven blue things in and around my house, with photos, and then tag seven others to do the same. Of course, competing with provincial France from suburban San Diego hardly seems fair, but I do adore blue. Even at its most vibrant it's a cozy, comfortable color. My garden is filled with blue pots. My home with blue pottery. At my desk now, I'm looking at blue pens and hi-liters, blue notebooks, a small rustic-looking blue bowl holding tiny red hots, and a blue leather box holding my fountain pens. Even Mr. Potato Head has his blue shoes on.

I must start with Lily, my bluepoint snowshoe Siamese. She's my shadow--in the office, in the kitchen, wherever.

Followed by the late, great Moses, my oversized blue tabby.

Sorry, but I don't know his name.

Ah, so who's blues would I like to see? Think I'll tag Alice, Amy (I know this will tick her off just a little but maybe she'll go along with it ;), Sean and DPaul, Helen (I want to see some of her South Carolina), Erika, Judy, and Kalyn (an excuse to see details of the remodel).

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1 comment:

  1. Loved your blues, especially the fuzzy looking succulent in the blue pot. Thanks for playing along!
